Recently I completed some sweaters for my two sons. My boys both love wearing what I make for them (this might be the difference between sons and daughters). It made me think about boys and hand knit sweaters. When I was a brand new freshman in college, I had a massive crush on a boy…
Saving your Sanity When You’ve Lost Your Income
In December 2007 I was 6 months pregnant. Miserable with the near full bed rest my doctor had ordered. Taking it easy is not easy for me. I hated paying someone to help out with my older kids. Fortunately my husband’s contract had renewed for another six months. We’d have a steady income to cover…
Talent vs Passion
My 11 year old daughter has informed me that it is too late for her. She’s over the hill and can never truly excel at anything. I blame Dance Moms. She came to this conclusion after watching several episodes of the show. Also she came to the conclusion that I have failed her. I should…
No More Daddy in The Box
This past week has marked the end of an era that was, thankfully brief. But it felt like it lasted forever. Three inches and two shoe sizes worth of growth spurt. Four new best friends. A dozen teacher conferences and class parties. Seven orthodontist appointments. At least two all nighters with sick, barfing kids….
Belated But Heartfelt New Years Wishes for You!
My year is off to a slow to a slow, but nevertheless wonderful start. I can hardly believe it’s been so long since I posted but the break was much needed. I look up at the balls in the air and I have to smile. Beautiful balls, they are, see how they shimmer? 2011 was…
{Ikea Hack} Giant Lawn Menorahs from Fangst & Fniss
We live in one of those neighborhoods that goes all out for the holidays. Competition and cash prizes for the tract with the most holiday spirit. Our home is on a prominent corner, ripe for over the top decor. However… we are Jews. We were uncomfortable, therefore, when the neighborhood committee presented us with luminaria…
From Casper to Saw: Halloween on my Block
I’ve lived on “Hysteria Lane” for a decade. Hysteria Lane is no stranger to drama. But on Halloween Eve, our neighborhood tends to come together, forgetting whatever FBI take down, drunken disagreement, faux Al Qaeda raid, America’s Most Wanted sting, spouse swapping debacle or Nigerian banking scheme was bugging. (Note: I’m not making this stuff…
Back in the Mom-Stockades
It was only a matter of time before I found myself there. I’ve done it again. Violated code 5729ab section i of the “Good Mom” code. The one that says THOU SHALT NOT REFUSE TO BRING YOUR CHILD A HEALTHY LUNCH WHEN HE HAS LEFT THE ONE YOU LOVINGLY PACKED IN THE BACK SEAT. I…
Alcoholism or Obesity: Which Affects Moms More?
You know who’s obese in your social circle. They wear their condition on the outside. Statistically speaking, you also know several people who have problems with alcohol. They are your friends and your family. But do you know who is an alcoholic? Would you judge them if they came to you for help? A shocking…
How 9/11/01 shaped me
Ten years ago today I was moving out of my “starter” house, into a larger and grander home. I was comfortable in the land of opportunity, untouched by economic depression, a stranger to terrorism and secure in the optimistic beliefs and entitled expectations that most people of my generation who attended great schools and worked…