I’m not really a foodie. Every time I make a recipe, I feel like I’m conducting an experiment. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that it all ends well. Such has been the case with my many many coconut macaroon experiments. I’ve made them with and without egg white. With and without added starches and…
Gluten Free Passover Matzo? Yes!
As someone who eats gluten free and relatively low carb all year long, I sort of look forward to Passover, that time of year when dietary restrictions don’t keep me from getting my carb on! It’s a largely wheat free holiday, where food is front and center. There are sponge cakes and noodle kugels, macaroons…
Lunch with Kitchen Aid, White on Rice Couple, Cristina Ferrare & Joy The Baker
When Todd Porter and Diane Cu of White on Rice Couple throw a party at their studio, you should move heaven and earth to attend. Trust me, it’s worth it. What a treat to get a peek into their studio, and their creative process. This inspiring couple serves up food for body, mind and soul…
Spanish Style Tuna and Olive Salad
Are you ready for this? It’s going to be super simple. It might rock your world. Yep. If you like olives, and tuna – this might be the best tuna salad you’ve ever had. Ever. It’s that good. I have this for lunch quite often, along with some gluten free toast or a gluten free…
Gluten Free Breakfast Bars? You Bet!
I was inspired to whip up a batch of wheat free breakfast bars today after reading the breakfast bar post by my pal Joya over at JoyaBaby. My recipe follows some of the same path as hers, but without wheat flour. I have substituted a gluten free baking mix and almond meal for flour. Obviously…