It’s December, which means it’s time for sharing some Hanukkah blessings! I can’t wait to show you this year’s handmade Hanukkah menorahs, Hanukkah crafts and our latest DIY Menorahs for kids. Hanukkah has always been one of my favorite holidays, and not just because there are presents and sufganiyot/doughnuts, though it’s a potent combo. For…
Gluten Free Mini Hanukkah Sufganiyot Donuts With Nutella Filling
Let me tell you about the things that are not a part of my life January through November. These include: Donuts Chocolate filling Anything fried This explains the (hopefully temporary) weight gain I experience each December when I set off on my quest to make the perfect gluten free Hanukkah Donut (aka Sufganiyot). I like…
Doll Fashion Shoe Menorah for Kids
The thing about having teen/tween girls is that you still probably have a bunch of bits and baubles around from their childhood that you cling to. Like mismatched doll shoes in a bin under the bed. Though you know you should get rid of them, you don’t get around to it. And then Hanukah rolls…
Flame Free Glow Stick Lego Star Wars Menorah
Some ideas are so obvious that it takes me a decade of parenting to come up with them. Every year I have a little tantrum about how each of my kids, even the toddlers want to light their own menorah, and hold the candles and carry them around and please mommy can I have a…
DIY Plastic Dinosaur Menorah Tutorial
You know what would make your Hanukkah really rock the ages? A Menorahsaurus Dinosaur Menorah. We’re going to show you how to whip one up. Think of it as an even more ancient twist on an ancient holiday. I’m always amazed that there aren’t more awesome menorah tutorials out there. If ever there was an…