I can’t believe that my daughters are already headed back to school next week! Our days are about to become busier. We’ve been back to school shopping for the last week. So bittersweet! This year tech is high on our list. I’m thrilled to host this Sol Republic Deck Speaker Giveaway. This high quality Motorola speaker…
The In Car Snack Bar
Before long we’ll be back to school and our many school year activities. For my family this means a lot of time spent in the car. I am a road warrior, driving four kids to and from four schools daily. We’ll have preschool, elementary, middle and high schools on our route this year. It’s a…
New School Year: New You?
Did your parents take you shopping for a new outfit for the first day of school? In my house the first day of school outfit was practically a religious ritual. Head to toe newness. No compromises. No wearing the shoes the week before to break them in. Perhaps this is why I still associate blisters…