How do you know if you can be hypnotized?
For most of my life I’ve had this assumption that I am not hypnotizable. The Hello Mind hypnosis app just showed up and completely disabused me of that notion. It knocked me out. Literally.
I don’t know where this belief that I could not be hypnotized came from. Maybe it’s a sort of snotty intellectual superiority. Or maybe I did some sort of “clap your hands together and see which thumb is on top” test when I was 12. Who knows?
I was pretty convinced hypnosis would never work on the likes of me.
When Hello Mind contacted me and asked me to write a review, however, I figured it couldn’t hurt to give their app a try. Who wouldn’t want to lose weight, sleep better, improve their self esteem and get rid of their fear of terrorism? Worse case scenario, I’d get to carry on feeling all smug and have a nice set of headphones to show for it.
Disclosure: Hello Mind sent me a membership kit, headphones and a thank you gift for trying out their app.
What it’s like to use the Hello Mind hypnosis app:
First of all, you’ll want to find a quiet and comfortable, private spot where you can stretch out and lean back or lie down with some decent head support. You are going to relax. Hello Mind suggests you use a good pair of noise cancelling headphones because it is important to listen to the whole program without interruption.
Armed with a really awesome pair of oversized ear muffs, I got ready to experience my first session.
Hello Mind seems to have a solution to almost any problem. Search for the issue that is troubling you and the app will recommend treatments and quick fixes, depending on your needs. There are full multi session therapeutic programs as well as booster pack and freebie selections that offer a quick 30 minute fix. Using these together provides optimal effect.
I wanted to jump right in, so for my first session I started with a booster targeting insomnia, “Fall Asleep Now.”
Insomnia is my albatross. We often hang together into the wee small hours. Maybe I was setting the bar too high, but they say it’s best to start with the biggest problem that is looming for you and I had not been able to sleep that whole week.
What went through my mind the first few times I used the Hello Mind hypnosis app:
This is never going to work, I thought.
This doesn’t even quite make sense, I thought.
But by the end of the program I was asleep.
The next night I listened again, same program but slightly different script. There are 10 variations to this booster pack.
It won’t work again, I thought.
It’s the same, but different and it still doesn’t quite make sense, I thought.
And that’s all I actually remembered.
Hello Mind changed my mind about whether hypnosis could work for me:
Over the course of four nights I fell asleep, quickly, soundly and completely until morning. I was flabbergasted. I’m still trying to process that this stuff works!
Not only did I fall asleep immediately when using this app, I am now falling asleep faster without the app. I no longer dread laying in bed, tossing and turning for hours.
Guess what? It turns out I can be hypnotized. That is life changing.
This amazing discovery opens up a whole world of possibility for me. While I no longer get to walk around feeling elitist about my bulletproof lack of suggestibility, I have some new and powerful tools in my health and self help arsenal.
I can’t wait to use Hello Mind to improve my eating and exercise habits, and address my fear of flying.
Here are some of the screen choices and programs you can choose from with Hello Mind.
You can use this app to treat almost any kind of problem, from addiction to motivation, to self esteem issues and anxiety. Treatment courses consist of 10 sessions that you should complete within 30 days.
You just listen once a day for about 30 minutes and you are on your way to a cure for your stress, anxiety and cravings. The booster packs are great for a quick fix and for keeping you motivated.
What else can I do with the Hello Mind hypnosis app?
I am pretty excited about this.
Hello Mind has already knocked me out, and changed my relationship with sleep, which changes pretty much everything. I am looking forward to seeing what else I can change in the coming weeks.
I will be sure to share it with you!
Want to give it a try? Download the Hello Mind App on either iOS or Android and try a freebie or buy a session for $8.99. Or access all the sessions for $12.99 a month. When you think about the cost of traditional therapy, that’s a screaming bargain.
I just wish I’d known about Hello Mind sooner. It is so incredibly simple and effective that I feel silly for my smug disbelief and assuredness that this would not work for me.
Want to dig in and learn more? Read more about Results Driven Hypnosis and view testimonials on the Hello Mind site.
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