There’s no better way to show your love of coffee, than with a Starbucks Menorah. This adorable coffee cup menorah is as heartwarming as your favorite holiday latte. And I’m here to show you how to make it.
I don’t know about you but I would not make it through the holiday season without some help from Starbucks. There are the myriad gifts to teachers, postmen and assorted service workers. Then there are the last minute hostess gifts and the Secret Santa exchanges.
And of of course, there are the days when I am sure I could not drive another mile without hitting the drive thru.
Honestly, I have lost count of how many times I’ve bribed a cranky shopper/traveler with the lure of a cake pop for good behavior.
Tis the season to be caffeinated, and to make a DIY Starbucks Menorah
Thank you Starbucks, for always being there for me.
It’s really a miracle the way you’ve saved my bacon in far flung airports and port cities around the globe with your wifi and comforting coffee aroma at an hour I’d normally be sleeping back home. Just when I thought I’d never last, you’ve sustained me.
Love them or hate them, as you will. Normally I’m not a big brand groupie, but Starbucks is the exception. It’s is the coffee brand that has kept me burning at times when by all rights, I should have been burnt out.
Some people have oil in their menorahs. I have coffee in mine. This Starbucks Cup Menorah was a no brainer for me!

Adorable menorah made from Starbucks cup holiday ornaments
I need to give credit for this Starbucks cup menorah to my friend Dede Van Zandt for this project. Dede knows my love of coffee and my penchant for making DIY menorahs well. When she asked me why I had not already made a menorah out of the mini cup ornaments, I promptly smacked my forehead, jumped in the car and ran out to buy some.
Originally, I just stuck the candles to the wire ribbon holders atop these ornaments. But then I decided I needed something a little more stable and permanent. Here’s what I came up with.
Note: Affiliate links below. Prices for these items are not affected by this. This just means that I get a small percentage of the purchase price if you click through. These are the same items I used, and are linked for your convenience.
- Wooden doll pin stands – to sit on top of the cups
- Candle Holders – to sit in the rings. I ordered a pack that allows me to make several menorahs
- Museum Wax – to steady the rings
The holiday gift collection at Starbucks stores is always a welcome sight. I like to gift myself a new travel mug every year. And now I like to check out the ornaments as well. If you can’t make it to a Starbucks near you to purchase the cups, you can find Starbucks mini holiday cup ornaments on eBay, and Amazon also has Starbucks Ornaments. Warning: Collecting them can get addictive!
Starbucks Cup Menorah Safety
As with all my other DIY menorahs and menorahs in general, I would advise against leaving your lit menorah unattended. Make sure that the menorah is placed on a surface such as tile or aluminum foil, that is easy to clean if the wax drips. You might want to protect your ornaments and candle bases with some foil as well.
Technically this is not a kosher menorah, as the center candle or “Shamash” is not raised above the others. This is easily remedied by placing the middle ornament on a stand of some sort. If you are interested in reading more about Hanukkah, browsing more menorah tutorials and learning the Hanukkah Blessings, check out this Hanukkah Lights, Candles, Blessings post.
It’s comforting to me to know that there’s almost always a Starbucks out there somewhere – glowing in the night. Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years in advance!
Other Flame Free Novelty Menorahs to Make for Hanukkah
Looking for something a little less high maintenance or for the kids? You might like our Disney Vinylmation Menorahs, Lego Star Wars Menorah , Pokemon menorah or this perennial classic – the Dinosaur Menorah.
You’ll also want to check our our round up of Ugly Hanukkah Sweaters before you head out to any Latke parties!
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